Sunday, January 26, 2025

Comentarios From Maria: Obama’s wise move on immigration

As a Latina activist I was devastated to learn the President would delay executive action to keep undocumented immigrants with no criminal record from getting deported. He’d promised he’d do it, our community expected it, and the country’s economy needed it — especially as Republicans have abdicated their obligation to pass real and lasting legislative […]

Comentarios From Maria: Republicans Are Beating The War Drums Once Again

The last time the Republican Party was in the White House, fear and uncertainty gripped the nation given the new threat of terrorism after the September 11 attacks. Republicans and their advisors decided to sell the American public a lie in order to go to war with Iraq, which had nothing to do with the […]

Comentarios From Maria: Senator Rubio Throws His Convictions Out the Window

The Republican Party and their most extreme membership must think that we don’t have brains, or that we simply do not know enough about American politics to demand that Republicans be held accountable for their past promises. This includes Republican Senator Marco Rubio, whose thinking changes as he inches closer to a potential 2016 presidential […]

Comentarios From Maria featuring Gina McCarthy: Latinos join EPA in taking a stand against bad air days

            Summer heat hasn’t begun to wane, and neither have those familiar “bad air day” warnings. They are all too common in cities like Los Angeles, Houston, Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C., where high temperatures cause ozone to reach unhealthy levels. While bad air days affect children, people with asthma and […]

Guest Blogger: Maria Cardona “Rand Paul: The flip-flop king”

              Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is giving people whiplash. In the last month, he has shifted, flip-flopped and pandered so strikingly on a range of positions and statements that it makes you wonder whether he has suddenly developed a deep disregard for his own convictions, or never had […]

Comentarios From Maria: Executive Action Necessary

President Obama dubbed 2014 as the year of action in regards to the measures he has taken that will benefit the American people and the actions he will continue to take with or without this Republican Congress, which continues to be the least productive in history. As a Latina who grew up with the American Dream […]

Comentarios From Maria: Children that Crossed the Border Alone Are Enemies of the State

This just in! Children are now enemies of the state! At least this is what Texas Governor Rick Perry believes after calling upon thousands of National Guard troops to “defend the border.” Against whom? Apparently, against children in diapers and ripped Batman and Dora t-shirts. Governor Perry, give me a break!  The number of unaccompanied […]

Guest Blogger: Maria Cardona “GOP, show you care about kids at border”

Madness has gripped our border. I am not talking about the migrant children fleeing from crime and violence in their home countries in Central America and looking for the opportunity to live a better life. I am talking about the misguided protesters—and the right-wing public officials that egg them on, railing against anything they think […]

Comentarios from Maria: The Crisis at the Border is a Priority for the President

            Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the crisis occurring in the U.S. southern border. Since October of last year, approximately 52 thousand unaccompanied migrant children have crossed the border as a result of gang related violence and economic problems that have erupted in Central America. Faced […]

Lawsuit Against President Obama Is Just Another Excuse for Republicans to Delay Immigration Reform

            This week, the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, announced his plan to sue President Obama for his alleged abuse of executive orders and failure to faithfully execute the laws of our country. Give me a break! When Boehner was asked whether Republicans were suing President Obama over one […]