Sunday, January 26, 2025

Today: Google + Hangout“ Climate Change’s Impact on the Latino Community”

Voces Verdes and the Environmental Protection Agency will be hosting a Google +  Hangout titled “Climate Change’s Impact on the Latino Community” today at 3:30 PM EST. The live discussion will feature EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy who will be joined by our own Maria Cardona, Dr. Tomas Morales from the Hispanic Association of Colleges and […]

Join The Conversation: Climate Change and the Latino Community

                      As stakeholders and concerned citizens, Latinos in the United States are among the strongest proponents and supporters of enduring government action to effectively address the widespread consequences of climate change and air pollution. “Action on climate change is a very high priority for Latinos—regardless […]

The Children at the Border

            During the last few weeks we have witnessed the development of a humanitarian crisis at the U.S.- Mexico border, where thousands of vulnerable children—many as young as 5 years old—arrive at the border without relatives or adults. During the last few weeks we have witnessed the development of a […]

In a Year of Action, Obama Continues his Fight For Students

          In the last three decades, the average tuition at a public four-year university has more than tripled, while the income of a typical family remains stagnant. This week, President Obama announced a series of executive orders to ease the burden of student loan debt, which includes a presidential memorandum that […]

Thanks to Obama, Mother Earth Will Breathe Fresh Air

It’s time we stop talking about how climate change affects polar bears in Antarctica, and instead focus on how this phenomenon affects us here in the United States. This week, the EPA adopted new measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. The new rules would achieve the following: –   Reduce power plant […]

Comentarios from Maria: Democrats Give Republicans Last Chance to Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Last week we celebrated the one year anniversary of the introduction of the Immigration Reform bill in the Senate. In addition, the main sponsors of the HR15-immigration bill, introduced by Democrats in the House of Representatives in October of last year, announced a new strategy to demand action from the Republicans in the House of Representatives […]

Comentarios from Maria: Equal Pay is Key to our Economy

April 8th was declared National Equal Pay Day. This date signifies that a woman has to work until April 8, 2014 (adding all the time worked in 2013) to earn the same as the average earned by a man in 2013. In addition, women still earn only 77 cents on average for every dollar earned […]

Comentarios from Maria: Obamacare Exceeds 7 million Enrollments

Last week, the United States Department of Health and Human Services announced that over 7 million people have enrolled in an insurance plan under the Health Care Law by the May 31 deadline, surpassing the initial White House goal. And although a majority of Republicans did – and still do – everything in their power […]

Comentarios from Maria: For Latinos, Climate Change is a Priority

In recent years, Latinos have seen firsthand how climate change and natural disasters have intensified across the world. The Latino community, being one of the demographic groups most affected by climate change, is very concerned about how this affects us and future generations. That’s why my work with Voces Verdes, a national organization of Latino […]

Comentarios from Maria: It’s Time to Enroll in Obamacare Before March 31

March 31 is the last day that Latinos can enroll in Obamacare during its first term of enrollment. With two weeks left, have you registered? I applaud those who have registered, but for those who have not, my question to them is, why not? The law offers health coverage to more than 10.2 million Latinos […]