Thursday, January 30, 2025

Migrant Head Start Program Reaches Out To Latino Children

A new Head Start program in California is reaching out to migrant children, who statistically enroll in early education programs at a lower rate than their peers. Through bilingual and interactive education, the Hughson Center aims at academically preparing migrant children for elementary school in Hughson, a small agricultural community nine miles southwest of Modesto, California. […]

Guest Blogger: Department of Commerce’s Katina Rojas Joy, Deputy Director, Office of Business Liaison

As Deputy Director in the Office of Business Liaison, my primary goal is to execute the Secretary’s international trade missions. Our office executed an infrastructure trade mission to New Dehli, India, last year, and we are currently planning a transportation and infrastructure trade mission to Colombia, Brazil, and Panama. The President wants to double US […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Bipartisan Coalition Bolsters U.S. STEM”

Co-Written with John E. Sununu The sequester’s arrival on March 1 left Americans with more questions than answers about our country’s economic future. Most of all, it epitomized the challenge of finding consensus in the current political climate. That failure makes the bipartisan movement on immigration reform this year all the more impressive — and […]

Latinos Set to Influence Gun Control Debate

With the nation-wide policy debate on whether a gun ban should be implemented becoming prominent in the nation’s policy agenda after recent gun massacres, policy analysts believe that Latinos’ perspectives on gun violence might have a significant influence on the gun control debate. The National Council of La Raza (NCLR), one of the largest national […]

Comentarios from Maria: “House Steps Up with National STEM Competition”

House Steps Up with National STEM Competition Added Focus Can Help Address Disparities in Math and Science Former Astronaut Jose Hernandez makes a strong case for expanding opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and computer science fields in a recent op-ed saying “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize we are trailing […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Cuts will Turn Off Voters GOP is Courting”

Earlier this month, the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, rolled out to much fanfare a new “branding effort” for the Republican Party, focused on broadening its appeal and helping the middle class. It seemed hopeful at the time. Sadly, today it is laughable. We are days away from severe forced spending cuts that will do […]

College Board Free Online College Preparedness for Latinos Starts Today

The College Board, which aims to empower students for educational success, has launched a new series of five free online workshops designed to help Latino students and their families learn about the process of paying, preparing and completing college. The Destino University online events will be offered in Spanish and English on Tuesday, February 26, […]

Guest Blogger: Rafael Fantauzzi “It is Time for Hispanic Leaders to Stand up on the National Debt”

With talks in D.C. relentlessly concentrating on the threat of a sequester, I have spent a lot of time thinking back to an event I participated in a few weeks ago. On February 6th I took part in an event that was so obvious in value, yet so rare in practice these days. I sat down […]

Comentarios from Maria: “GOP, take cues on U.S. mood from Obama”

Republicans are dealing with their demons. At the Republican National Committee meeting last week, they seemed to be taking a hard look at what they need to do to compete at the presidential level in the years to come. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said the GOP needs to stop being “the stupid party.” He is […]

Maria Cardona POLITIC365 “Gamechanger of the Day”

Dewey Square Group Principal and Latinovations Founder Maria Cardona is featured today as POLITIC365 “Gamechanger of the Day”. Candidates selected for the POLITIC365 Gamechanger series are individuals who, through “keen focus, innovative ideas, and progressive action and advocacy, [are] actively engaged in shaping and improving America’s social, economic and political landscape.” Cardona joins individuals such […]