Monday, January 27, 2025

Latinos Not At The Table

I hear it from Latinos all the time: One of the things they find galling about the mainstream media is when they turn on the television and four pundits are sitting at a table discussing Latinos or some issue that impacts Latinos—and there isn’t a single Latino present. The optics are terrible. Can you imagine […]

Reaching Latino Audiences Still Challenging for Hollywood

Despite the fact that Latinos are the largest minority group in the country, the entertainment industry continues to lack relevant content and portrayal. Experts like Chriss Dodd, Chief of the Motion Picture Association of America, believe that Hollywood should not assume that a single cultural approach will find broad appeal, and that studios must make […]

Media Merger Opens Opportunity to Increase Diversity

In an attempt to merge their two entities, the cable giant Comcast and NBC/Universal have pledged to create more opportunities for minorities in front of and behind the camera. Testifying at a field hearing in Los Angeles, representatives from both companies outlined their plans. Comcast will add two independently owned and operated cable networks to […]

Latino Media Outlets Thrive Despite Economic Crisis

Monica Lozano, Publisher of La Opinión During an age when many newspapers are facing grim times, a few ethnic media outlets are thriving. This is because many of these newspapers and broadcast stations have been focusing on their expanding audience -the sons and daughters of immigrants. In Los Angeles, the No. 1 TV station is […]

PBS Documentary Focuses on Crucial Hispanic Vote

[youtube=] A new PBS documentary will cast a spotlight on the crucial role of U.S. Hispanic voters in picking the next president of the United States. As the race between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama grows increasingly intense and heated, both campaigns are expending large sums of money, time and attention on the burgeoning […]

Latino Media Fears being left out of the Obama campaign.

New polls show that Barack Obama has made inroads in the Hispanic community (see above) despite complaints from Hispanic media who is feeling left out of the Obama campaign…. The burst of anger on the Barack Obama campaign’s recent news media call was unexpected, but it should not have been a surprise.For weeks, members of […]