Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Puerto Rico waits for decision that could affect the island’s recovering economy

An upcoming decision by Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar could be crucial for Puerto Rico’s economic recovery. Azar is due in April to announce Medicare Advantage (MA) rates for the states and territories, a decision with enormous stakes for the island. Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló (D) wrote Azar Monday asking him to instruct the Centers […]

GOP Tax Plan Hurts Latinos

Having made its way through the House, the tax bill is scheduled to go before the Senate for a vote in the coming days. If adopted, the tax bill could mean major setbacks for Latinos in health and income inequality.

Comentarios From Maria: Obamacare offers our community immense opportunities: enroll today!

As the deadline to enroll for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) looms closer, I find myself thinking about the saying: the greatest wealth is health. It is a sentiment that Vice President Joe Biden recently echoed while he spoke about the ACA and the transcendence of a subject like health; something that truly interests and affects […]

Guest Blogger: Rafael Fantauzzi “It is Time for Hispanic Leaders to Stand up on the National Debt”

With talks in D.C. relentlessly concentrating on the threat of a sequester, I have spent a lot of time thinking back to an event I participated in a few weeks ago. On February 6th I took part in an event that was so obvious in value, yet so rare in practice these days. I sat down […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Leader Pelosi is a Tremendous Asset for the American People”

Following House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s decision to remain in leadership in Congress, the question about her being good for the Democratic Party has been making its rounds. As a woman and a Latina Democrat, I cannot be more thrilled that she continues to be our leader in the House, and believe she is an […]

Guest Blogger Series: Hector E. Sanchez “Warning: If They Take Wisconsin They Might Go After Our Weekends Too”

Workers all over the country are rising up by the thousands to defend the basic American right to collectively bargain. We can fight the anti-union ambush in the states with worker solidarity among Latinos and all workers, but first we need to understand why we are fighting and what is at stake. What is happening […]