Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Guest Blogger: Simon Rosenberg “Immigration Reform Is Very Much Alive”

Contrary to recent news accounts, we are closer to passing a meaningful immigration reform bill than at any point since John McCain and Ted Kennedy introduced their bill in 2005. Consider: The Senate passed a bill with 68 votes, the most any immigrant reform bill has received since this process began. The last time an […]

Guest Blogger: Simon Rosenberg “The Administration’s Border Strategy Is Working”

As immigration reform moves to the Senate floor, Senator Marco Rubio has raised new questions about whether the border security strategy in the current Senate bill can be effectively executed by the Obama and future administrations. The experience of the past several years indicates that DHS can, in fact, despite rancorous politics, manage the complex border […]

Obama Prepares for Mexico

In light of his scheduled trip to Mexico, President Barack Obama met with leaders of Latino groups on Monday. Obama met with leaders from the National Council of La Raza, theNational Hispanic Council on Aging, the League of United Latin American Citizens, and the NDN in addition to several other groups. In the meeting, the […]

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “The President’s Vision for Our Next Economy, Hispanics, and Broadband”

As Americans continue to struggle with high unemployment and underemployment at record levels, President Barack Obama has made building a stronger economy, a central theme in his re-election campaign. This should resonate with all American’s in these trying economic times. The country needs an economy built on American innovation, increased development of workers skills and […]

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “The Positive Steps Made In Making Our Southern Border Safer”

Why The Current Debate About Security Ignores The Positive Steps Made In Making Our Southern Border Safer In the current debate over immigration there is near unanimous agreement that our system is broken.  With Congress currently split by party, one of the shrillest arguments before the American people is over securing our southern border before […]

New NDN Spanish Ads in AZ use Brewer, Arpaio to Urge Latinos to Vote, New Ads in CO and NV Urge Latinos to Vote Early

A leading progressive think tank and advocacy organization, NDN, announced the launch of a campaign of radio ads yesterday in Colorado and Nevada urging Latino voters to cast their ballots in early voting and two new ads in an on-going campaign in Arizona that mention Gov. Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe Arpaio as reasons Latinos […]

Democratic Group Says Hispanic Voters Run to Democratic Party

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s aggressive campaigns in the Hispanic community are showing positive results. New numbers released by the NDN, a progressive think-tank and advocacy organization, show that Hispanics are embracing the Democratic Party more than ever before. The data released Wednesday show that Hispanics have voted in record numbers this year, tripling their […]