Monday, March 3, 2025

Sanders wins Nevada and also trounces competitors with Latino support

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucuses, accelerating the momentum and strengthening his position heading into next week’s primary in South Carolina and the March 3 Super Tuesday contests. He also showed his strength with minority voters. In entrance polls, he was trouncing other candidates with Latino voters in Nevada, according to NBC News entrance polling results that […]

Telemundo poll finds Biden and Sanders tied for support of Nevada’s Latino voters

Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., are in a statistical tie for about a third each of Nevada Latinos’ caucus vote, but about 35 percent are aligned with other candidates or are undecided, according to a Telemundo poll released Tuesday. The Feb. 10-12 poll of 625 registered Latino voters in Nevada found […]

Latino voters in key states are asking: Pete who?

As Iowa and New Hampshire voters boost Pete Buttigieg’s presidential hopes, Latinos in Nevada and California are asking: Pete who? Buttigieg’s struggles to connect with voters of color, even as he’s vaulted into the top-tier of the Democratic presidential race, doesn’t end with black voters. The South Bend mayor polls in the low single digits among […]

Castro’s 2020 campaign focused on Latinos, but needs broader appeal to win

With more than a dozen Democrats now vying for president, Julian Castro is charting a path unlike any of the others, as his visit to California yesterday made clear. The former San Antonio mayor and Housing secretary under President Obama took questions from a Chicano studies class at UCLA. He did a television interview with Univision […]

Ted Cruz Wants To Deport All 12 Million Undocumented Immigrants

Heading into the Nevada Republican caucus, the most diverse presidential contest this year, Ted Cruz has vowed to use federal immigration officers to round-up and deport all 12 million undocumented immigration in the U.S. “Yes, we should deport them,” Cruz told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly. “We should build a wall, we should triple the Border […]

Why Minority Voters Are Crucial in the Democratic Primaries

  The Nevada caucus was the first contest this year to have a significant number of black and Hispanics voters participate in the Democratic presidential election. This was also the first state to be dominated by urban voters. According to exit polls black and Hispanic voters accounted for a third of actual voters in this […]

Immigration A Top Priority For Democrats

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders promised to act on immigration reform during Thursday night’s town hall in Nevada, even if they have to go it alone. The town hall sponsored by MSNBC and Telemundo and moderated by Jose Diaz-Balart, allowed voters in Nevada the opportunity to ask questions in both English and Spanish. The forum […]

Nevada Hispanics Crucial In GOP Contest

With the GOP presidential race tightening up, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is looking to strike early and overtake Donald Trump in the first in the nation Iowa Caucuses and even attempt to sneak past the billionaire in the South Carolina primary and dominate the Deep South contests later this spring to capture the front runner […]

Nevada Gov. Sandoval signs bill to permit DREAMERs to obtain teaching licenses

In a move to meet the needs of a “new Nevada,” Brian Sandoval, the state’s governor, signed a bill that would allow immigrants with temporary legal status to get a teaching license. Among those standing by as Governor Sandoval signed the dotted lines was Uriel Garcia, a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals […]

Latino Voters Continue Supporting Protection of the Environment

In Western states like Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona, protecting the environment is an issue that Latino voters continue to care about and expect politicians to take positive action. According to polling from Latino Decisions and Nuestro Rio, over 70% of Latino voters in these four western states found that government involvement in protecting […]