Monday, March 3, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: Un Año Para Seguir Luchando

!Feliz año amigos!  Al final de este año y a comienzos del próximo, me parece justo y necesario que analicemos cómo nos fue en el 2016 y pensar como queremos enfrentar el 2017. Los ciclos electorales como lo fue el 2016 ponen a prueba el tipo de nación, pueblo y personas que queremos ser y […]

Comentarios From Maria: We Must Be Optimistic in the New Year

As we start the New Year, let’s take a moment to reflect on the past year’s politics and the hopes and frustrations of our community. Upon further reflection, realize that today, Hispanics are better off economically than we have been in over a decade. When President Obama took office, our economy was losing over 800,000 […]

Happy Holidays from Latinovations

We would like to thank you for all of your support this year and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  We will be back on January 4, 2011. Maria Cardona Evelyn Castillo Monica Cevallos Tanya Arditi & the entire Latinovations Team