Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The GOP “Latino Problem,” in One Snapshot

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco One picture, posted Thursday by John Hudak on Twitter, explains in a moment’s flash the Republican “Latino problem.” It has nothing to do with Latinos. Hudak is the editor of the Brookings Institution’s FixGov blog. While reporting on this year’s CPAC (the nation’s largest conservative political confab) he attended a panel on GOP outreach into minority […]

Sobremesa – Sen. Leticia Van de Putte on tacos, politics, cultura and the state of Latinos

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco If you want to get to the truth of matters in the Latino community have a conversation over a meal, the traditional sobremesa that follows a feast. It’s where our gente relaxes and speaks frankly. We invited Texas State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte for a wide ranging conversation about old […]

What is Net Neutrality? It’s a Big Deal for Latinos

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco Not a lot of attention has been given to the issue of Net Neutrality in Latino news circles. But it’s an important issue that took a decisive turn last week and it could affect Latinos and their increasing use of the internet. Here’s the short take: The FCC had a set of rules […]

Latinos Redefining the American Dream

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco There’s no question that the American Dream isn’t what it used to be – if it ever was what we were told. What’s held true throughout the history of the U. S. is that the elusive dream has been defined by our nation’s newcomers. The American Dream is by default an […]

For Latinos, Awareness Isn’t Enough. We Need Understanding

By Steve Moya, NewsTaco Those in the communication field must always understand their job is not complete when people are moved to a basic awareness of something–say an issue. It is necessary to move people to a level of understanding. It is only then that they might act. A good example of this is education and policy-makers. They […]

Are Hispanic Girls Hitting Puberty Earlier As A Result of Childhood Obesity?

By Hope Gillette, Saludify Hispanic girls are hitting puberty at an average age of 9.3 years, a younger time frame compared to non-Hispanic white girls and girls of Asian descent, according to data published in the journal Pediatrics. Only African American girls were found in  the research to have an earlier puberty onset–at approximately 8.8 years. The […]

How Wendy Davis and Latinos Could Turn Texas Blue, or Not

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco The big news out of Texas, “leaked” before it was “ready,” is that Wendy Davis will run for Governor. Some background: Wendy Davis is Senator Wendy Davis, the Democrat from Fort Worth who pulled off the real filibuster on the floor of the Texas Senate some months ago, the filibuster that stalled a […]

Latino Influentials in DC Honor Two of Their Own This Week

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco On any given day, an army of young Americans is hard at work in the halls of power of Washington DC – advocating policy, negotiating legislation, pushing the country forward. They go mostly unnoticed by the public at large, but our government would be hard pressed to function without them. Through […]

Just Before Labor Day, a Report Shows Struggles of Latino Workers

By Griselda Nevarez, Voxxi A new report by the AFL-CIO depicts how, even after four years since the recession officially ended, Latino workers continue to be disproportionally affected by the weak economic recovery. The report released Thursday finds that as the U.S. economy recovers, Latinos are facing higher rates of unemployment and underemployment, as well as lower wages and […]

US is 5th Largest Spanish-Speaking Country; New Census Interactive Map

By Claudio Iván Remeseira, @HispanicNewYork /NBCLatino The U.S. Census Bureau released an interactive, online map pinpointing the vast array of non-English languages spoken in homes across the nation. In addition to Spanish, the map shows the national distribution of speakers of Arabic, Chinese, French, French Creole, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. After selecting one […]