Monday, March 31, 2025

BREAKING NEWS: Obama Administration will Announce New Immigration Policy to Stop Deporting Eligible Youth

President Obama will announce a new immigration policy this morning that will halt the deportation of as many as 800,000 young undocumented immigrants and in some cases grant them working permits. The President will announce the new policy today at 1:15pm in the White House’s Rose Garden, one week before he addresses the National Association […]

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “Could A Looming Spectrum Crunch Hurt Hispanic Mobile Media Usage?”

Hispanics are interacting with mobile media more then ever, but a looming “spectrum,” crunch — the exhaustion of radio waves necessary to provide voice, text and internet services to mobile phones and tablets — may derail the gains that this community has recently made. A new report from NDN highlights how society as a whole, […]

Latinos Can “Breathe Easier” Thanks to EPA’s Proposed Carbon Pollution Standard

Today, Voces Verdes, Presente, the National Hispanic Medical Association, their allies and members applauded the Environmental Protection Agency’s and Obama Administration’s release of a proposal to limit industrial carbon pollution from new power plants, which is critical to protecting public health. “Power plants release more than two billion tons of dangerous carbon pollution and other […]

Two Additional Parts of Alabama’s Anti-Immigration Law Blocked by Federal Court

A federal appeals court has temporarily blocked two additional portions of Alabama’s controversial anti-immigration law. As previously reported on La Plaza, the state of Alabama is facing a legal challenge by the Obama administration over its anti-immigrant law, considered to be the harshest immigration law in the country, requiring law enforcement officials to question the […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jessica Arons & Lucy Panza “Women of Color Benefit from Contraceptive Coverage in Employer Plans”

On Friday, February 10 the Obama administration released its final regulation implementing the preventive care provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Heeding the nonpartisan recommendations of the Institute of Medicine, the regulation will require all group and employer health plans, with the exception of some religious entities, to provide no-cost coverage of […]

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “The President’s Vision for Our Next Economy, Hispanics, and Broadband”

As Americans continue to struggle with high unemployment and underemployment at record levels, President Barack Obama has made building a stronger economy, a central theme in his re-election campaign. This should resonate with all American’s in these trying economic times. The country needs an economy built on American innovation, increased development of workers skills and […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “GOP played Keystone card, lost”

If you missed the press conference after the State Department announcement that the Keystone XL pipeline had been canceled, you missed a heck of a show. House Speaker John Boehner was mad. And the Republican lawmakers behind him were furious. Over and over, Boehner and the gang asked angrily “What happened?” knowing full well that […]

President Obama Proposes Easing Rules for Green Cards

The Obama administration is proposing new rules that will reduce the amount of time undocumented immigrants are separated from their families while they apply for a green card. Under the current process, undocumented immigrants must leave the country to obtain a visa in their home country but this can lead to a decade-long separation for […]

Obama Administration Calls for More Diversity in Federal Government

President Obama issued an executive order on Thursday that requires government agencies to improve diversity within federal hiring. In 90 days the Administration will create a new administrative body that will develop a government wide-plan, followed by detailed plans for each agency. “The federal government has a special opportunity to lead by example,” says John […]