Monday, February 24, 2025

President Vows to Tackle Immigration in Meeting with Congressional Hispanic Caucus; Announces Trip To Mexico

During this morning’s meeting with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), President Barack Obama renewed his campaign promise to tackle the immigration system. Since being sworn into office, the president has been busy dealing with the economic crisis and has been criticized for not addressing immigration sooner. During the campaign, Obama supported a comprehensive overhaul of […]

Continued Mismanagement Illustrates Lack of Progress on Immigration Reform

A March 3, New York Times editorial asks the poignant question of the Obama Administration: who’s in charge when it comes to immigration policy? On the campaign trail President Obama continually promised to take a different, albeit smarter, approach to immigration enforcement than the one chosen by the Bush administration. The Bush era can generally […]

Obama Promises Recovery for the Nation

In President Obama’s first address to a joint session of Congress, he asked worried Americans to pull together and declared reassuringly that the U.S. “will emerge stronger than before”. The 44th President called for new efforts to address energy, health care and education. Acknowledging the anger felt by many Americans over the bailouts of banks, […]

Richardson Withdraws Name from Consideration

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has withdrawn his name from consideration for appointment to be Secretary of Commerce in the Obama Administration. Citing an ongoing grand jury investigation in his home state, the Governor said that while he “acted properly”, he recognized that the investigation would delay his confirmation process. Richardson’s departure also means the […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES:Latino and Asian “New American” Voters Were Forces of Change in ’08 Election

By:Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA) The idea of the American dream is a simple one–work hard, sacrifice for your family, and provide your children with more opportunities than your parents were able to leave you. As a third generation, or “sansei,” Japanese American, who went from toiling the strawberry fields of California to walking the Halls […]

NHLA Calls on Obama to Nominate Richardson for Secretary of State

This week’s Guest Blogger is John Trasviña, President and General Counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) and Chair of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA), a coalition of national Hispanic organizations. Earlier this week, NHLA sent a letter to President-elect Obama endorsing the nomination of Governor Bill Richardson as Secretary […]

Despite much speculation about Obama’s ability to win Latino support, recent polls demonstrate Obama is leading John McCain among Latinos.

Despite losing the Hispanic vote during the primary season, presumed Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama appears to have opened up a large lead among Hispanic voters over his presumed Republican opponent John McCain. Obama leads McCain 60 percent to 23 percent among Latino voters, according to a Latino Decisions Poll. The survey result is similar […]

Latino Media Fears being left out of the Obama campaign.

New polls show that Barack Obama has made inroads in the Hispanic community (see above) despite complaints from Hispanic media who is feeling left out of the Obama campaign…. The burst of anger on the Barack Obama campaign’s recent news media call was unexpected, but it should not have been a surprise.For weeks, members of […]

‘Burbs may be Obama base; Latino-rich communities, not so much

Obama’s Challenge with Hispanics continues to be a hot topic of discussion… They are a group he will probably want to focus on in the coming months.Obama may have his hardest sell, however, with Hispanic voters like those who make up much of Immigration Nation. The Illinois senator won only 37 percent of voters in […]


Obama didn’t say Americans should solve the problems of immigrant children who don’t speak English. He said “everybody” should learn two or three languages. Included in “everybody” would be children who speak only Spanish. How can it possibly be a bad thing for a Spanish-speaking child to learn English? To oppose that, one must be […]