Monday, March 3, 2025

Under Trump proposal immigrants who receive government supported healthcare might be deemed a public charge

The Trump administration is considering a policy change that might discourage immigrants who are seeking permanent residency from using government-supported health care, a scenario that is alarming some doctors, hospitals and patient advocates. “We are very concerned that this rule, if finalized, would have a significant impact on health in this country,” says Erin O’Malley, […]

Hispanic Caucus Alarmed by Lack of Obamacare Latino Outreach

On Thursday, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price saying that they are “alarmed” by the lack of work with the coalition of Latino advocacy groups called the Latino Affordable Care Act Coalition. The caucus is demanding to meet with Price to ensure that Hispanic families […]

Trump Slams Dems and Puerto Rico for Possible Government Shutdown

On Wednesday, Trump tweeted that Democrats were attempting to bail out insurance companies and Puerto Rico from ObamaCare, and on Thursday, he went further to suggest Democrats were willing to shut down the government for the sake of Puerto Rico. Trump’s comments come in lieu of lobbying efforts by island officials, to close a Medicare […]

Sole Latino Doctor in Congress, Raul Ruiz, is Unsettled by GOP Health Plan

Latinos make up 40 percent of uninsured Americans, a number that steadily dropped under the Affordable Care Act. Raul Ruiz, the only Latino doctor in Congress, is no stranger to long hours and laborious work; that same work ethic is now being put to the test, in the ongoing debate over the GOP health care […]

Sharp Policy Differences In South Carolina Democratic Debate

The Democratic candidates running for president faced off on Sunday night for their last debate before the Iowa Caucuses on February 1. The heightened sense of urgency was palpable as former Secretary Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders took a markedly more aggressive tone towards one another in exchange after exchange that focused on […]

Comentarios from Maria: Cruz Is not Qualified To Be President, But That’s Not Because Of His Citizenship

There are many reasons why Ted Cruz would be a terrible president. None of them have to do with where he was born. Texas senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is emerging as the strongest alternative to Donald Trump, who continues to lead in the national polls for the GOP nomination. The Senator, who […]

Comentarios From Maria: Achievements to Celebrate This Thanksgiving Day

We must celebrate President Obama and his administration’s hard fought policy achievements in the face of partisanship, division and inaction, and give thanks as Americans and be proud that the president’s achievements are achievements for us all. We’re almost ready to end the year and ring in 2016. But first, as has been done in […]

With Obamacare, Medicaid Expansion, US Sees Sharp Drop In Uninsured Rate

According to statistics released by the Department of Health and Human Services, the number of Latinos in the United States who gained health insurance since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) in 2010 was 4.2 million. This is in addition to a new survey from Gallup that showed promising results for the nation’s […]

Comentarios from Maria: A Week of Big Victories

We’ve just lived through a great week in history! It was a triumphant week not only for the Obama Administration, but also for the civil rights of all Americans. We saw the Supreme Court of the United States decide the constitutional future of the Fair Housing Act, the Healthcare Law, also known as Obamacare, and […]

Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Subsidies

The Supreme Court today ruled in a 6-3 decision that the federal subsidies used to purchase health coverage received by 6.4 million Americans under the federally-run health exchanges in 34 states are valid under the Affordable Care Act otherwise known as Obamacare. The case, which saw Chief Justice John Roberts again serve as the linchpin […]