Saturday, February 22, 2025

May Day Protesters Marched In Support of Immigration Reform

Thousands of the people gathered across the country on Wednesday urging Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform during a rally celebrating International Workers Day. “We’re here to demand political change and fair immigration reform,” said Gabriel Zamora, a janitor and undocumented immigrant who crossed the border from Tijuana eight years ago. Protestors gathered in major […]

Guest Blogger: Robert Valencia “What Patriotism Means for Latinos in a post 9/11 World”

The 9/11 aftermath created a ripple effect in the Hispanic community in both sides of the border. After the September 11 attacks, a seemingly friendlier immigration approach by the Bush administration turned into stricter regulations to grant nonimmigrant visas for students and businessmen, while anti-immigrant groups surged and grew after 9/11. The collapse of the […]

May Day Rallies Around Fair Labor Laws Expanded to Include Immigration Reform

In honor of the International Worker’s Day, known commonly as May Day, the ‘Occupy’ movement is calling for a nationwide strike called ‘A Day without the 99 Percent’, to bring the fight for immigration reform into fold. Rallies and demonstrations have been organized across the country in order to protest for better working conditions, fair […]

Immigration Training for Undocumented Participants of Occupy Wall Street

Immigration training classes are now being offered to undocumented immigrants who want to participate in Occupy Wall Street protests but are wary of the legal risks involved. The Occupy movement and groups believe Latinos and other immigrants are crucial to the cause, but they realize the growing number of arrests and police confrontations could alienate […]

Latino Involvement Strategic to Occupy Wall Street Movement

Latinos have increasingly become an important facet of the Occupy Wall Street movement’s diffusion. By translating messages, the newspaper and website into Spanish and mobilizing others to join in on the protest, participants are creating an increased awareness of the cause. As supporters rally on in New York and most other major U.S. cities, the […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Why ‘occupy’? It’s personal”

I appeared on a couple of segments on CNN this week where the topic was the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. A question raised was whether this was political. The Republican/tea party spokesperson said yes, arguing that labor unions were behind it (in fact the labor unions did not join until this week). I said it […]