Monday, March 31, 2025

El Paso residents outraged that Trump didn’t mention Latinos in his speech

President Trump condemned white supremacy from the White House yesterday, but left Latinos out of his speech. It’s a significant omission and a stark difference from the written document that has been linked to the 21-year-old gunman who allegedly opened fire on weekend shoppers Saturday at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. The shooter’s alleged document […]

Comentarios From Maria: With Victory In Mind

We’re moving closer each day to knowing the candidates for each party for president of the United States. On the Republican side, Donald Trump came out the winner after last week’s Super Tuesday, winning the states of Florida, Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina, and accumulating the necessary delegates needed to win the nomination. Governor John […]

Supreme Court Rejects Voter Suppression Efforts in Ohio

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court rejected an appeal that would have overturned a lower court decision upholding early voting in Ohio three days before an election, effectively protecting Ohio voters’ right to vote early in this upcoming election. “We are pleased that the US Supreme Court declined to overturn federal court rulings that every Ohioan […]

Guest Blogger Series: Hector E. Sanchez “Warning: If They Take Wisconsin They Might Go After Our Weekends Too”

Workers all over the country are rising up by the thousands to defend the basic American right to collectively bargain. We can fight the anti-union ambush in the states with worker solidarity among Latinos and all workers, but first we need to understand why we are fighting and what is at stake. What is happening […]

Puerto Rican Birth Certificates Turned Down in Ohio

The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles is turning away Puerto Ricans applying for state-issued identification cards on the grounds that their birth certificates are considered invalid. Elizabeth Torres, whose 19-year-old son was denied an identification card by the BMV, says Puerto Ricans are not being given their rights as US citizens. “We’re not illegal aliens, […]