Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Diana Campoamor “Imagining Stronger Latino Communities: Be HIP and Give.”

Latinos make up more than 50 million people in the U.S. today, and we’re growing by more than one million a year. Just counting Latinos in the U.S., we are the second largest Spanish-speaking country in the world and the 15th largest consumer economy. By 2025, we will no longer be in the minority: half of US workers […]

Guest Blogger Series: Marcela Pinilla “Give the Gift of ‘Un Mundo Bueno!’”

Latino families yearn for the opportunity to make better lives for their children, and that requires a college degree. That’s what inspired me to write a song to make a difference, “Un Mundo Bueno” – “A Good World” – and to use the song to help Excelencia in Education grow its circle of support. When […]

Guest Blogger Series: Carlo Garcia “Let’s Put the Giving Back in Thanksgiving”

When I was a boy, I witnessed my mother give the little we had to a variety of charities, especially around the holidays. Whether it was spare change in the car or canned food for the food drives at school, my mother instilled in us at a young age the importance of giving back and […]