Sunday, March 30, 2025

Cancer Rates Higher in a Town in Puerto Rico due to High Levels of Contamination in the Air

Salinas, Puerto Rico, is an industrial town on Puerto Rico’s southeast coast that is considered one of the U.S. territory’s most contaminated regions. Toxic ash and harmful chemicals from coal-fired and thermoelectric power plants surround this community, and residents have complained about health problems ranging from cancer to Alzheimer’s. “We’re fighting a lot of battles,” […]

Comentarios From Maria: Listen Up GOP-Climate Change is a priority for Latinos

A few weeks ago, we heard the president’s State of the Union Address where he stated that there is no greater challenge or threat facing future generations than climate change. Without question, this message resonated deeply with the Latino community because conservation and respect for the environment are fundamental parts of our histories and cultures. […]

2013 CNN Hero of the Year Awarded For River Cleanup Initiative

Chad Pregracke of Illinois was one of ten recipients of the 2013 CNN Hero of the Year awards for his dedication in cleaning up the Mississippi River and other waterways across the United States. “People want to see change and are stepping up to make change,” said Pregracke in a CNN video highlighting his work. […]

New EPA Standards will Cut Carbon Pollution to Fight Climate Change

Last Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that they would push for regulations outlined by President Obama’s Climate Action Plan to “cut carbon pollution from new power plants in order to combat climate change and improve public health.” This proposal would limit power plant emissions of carbon dioxide, which is said to account for 40% of the greenhouse […]

Green Hopes from the Next Generation: Young Latino Advocates Environmental Goals for Obama’s (2nd) First 100 Days

While watching President Obama’s inauguration speech, Andrea Delgado felt a surge of optimism. Paradoxically, it was one of Obama’s more somber statements that gave her hope: his acknowledgement that a failure to address climate change would be “a betrayal to our children and future generations.” The President’s message of urgency resonated with her. “Latinos get […]

Voces Verdes: Latino Leaders Take Stance on Environmental Pollution

Voces Verdes, an independent, non-partisan organization of Latino leaders advocating for the environment, has long taken a stance against the negative health impact that pollution has on Hispanic communities. Earlier this month, Voces Verdes and partners took their concerns about harmful pollutants to the White House, asking for the Environmental Protection Agency and the Obama […]

Guest Bloggers: Rachel Wilf & Jorge Madrid “New EPA Rules Help Communities of Color Breathe Easier – New Standards Will Reduce Health and Economic Costs”

On this Earth Day all Americans can celebrate the Environmental Protection Agency’s commitment to ensure everyone can breathe clean air. But this commitment particularly benefits communities of color. Currently, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are especially vulnerable to air pollution’s health effects. Within the last year, however, EPA instituted new mercury and air toxics standards […]

Latinos Can “Breathe Easier” Thanks to EPA’s Proposed Carbon Pollution Standard

Today, Voces Verdes, Presente, the National Hispanic Medical Association, their allies and members applauded the Environmental Protection Agency’s and Obama Administration’s release of a proposal to limit industrial carbon pollution from new power plants, which is critical to protecting public health. “Power plants release more than two billion tons of dangerous carbon pollution and other […]