Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Poorest group of Children in the U.S. is Hispanic

For the first time ever in U.S. history the largest number of kids living in poverty is Hispanic, according to a new study. A record 6.1 million Hispanic children live in poverty, according to the study “Childhood Poverty Among Hispanics Sets Record, Leads Nation,” released on Wednesday by the Pew Hispanic Center.    White children make […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jessica Arons “Hyde Amendment Detrimental to Latina Reproductive Health”

Latinovations thanks Jessica Arons for her contribution to La Plaza, which is an exclusive adaptation of an article that was originally published in Spanish on the Center for American Progress website. Abortion funding policies in this country are discriminatory and put abortion care out of reach for the women who need it the most: low-income […]

Poverty in U.S. Highest in Half a Century With 1 in 4 Hispanics Living Below Poverty Line

The U.S. Census Bureau released a report on Thursday that showed 44 million Americans live in poverty, the highest level since the first year figures became available in 1959.  The percentage among Hispanics also rose from 23.2 percent to 25.3 percent in 2009, a total of 12.4 million people. The figures are part of a […]

Poor Neighborhoods Equate to Poor Health for Minority Males

Just a year ago, health care was the singular issue dominating the national policy debate. The fight over whether or not to create a public option to ensure that all Americans had access to health care, gave rise to the Tea Party movement which vehemently fought what they dubbed “socialized medicine”.  Yet, despite the packed […]

Report Finds Latino Students Likely to Attend “Poverty” Schools

According to a new government analysis of US schools entitled, “2010 Condition of Education”, nearly half of all students – 46 percent, who attend “high poverty elementary schools” are Latino; 34 percent of these students are black, and 14 percent are white. This compares to the numbers for “low poverty schools” where 75 percent of […]