Friday, March 14, 2025

Comentarios From Maria: Executive Action Necessary

President Obama dubbed 2014 as the year of action in regards to the measures he has taken that will benefit the American people and the actions he will continue to take with or without this Republican Congress, which continues to be the least productive in history. As a Latina who grew up with the American Dream […]

Final Vote on Immigration Bill Passage In Senate Tomorrow

          Tomorrow, a final vote in the Senate on the immigration reform bill could send the issue to the House of Representatives. “Now is the time to do it…I hope that we can get the strongest possible vote out of the Senate so that we can then move to the House […]

Preschool Enrollment Can Minimize Latino-White Achievement Gap

        In an address to reporters, Education Secretary Arne Duncan concluded that the formula to closing the achievement gap between Latino and white students could be enrolling children in preschool. “Less than half of Hispanic children attend any kind of preschool – that’s kind of staggering,” said Duncan. “This is the fastest-growing […]

Obama Nominates First Latina as OPM Director

            President Barack Obama declared his nomination for Katherine Archuleta, a former top campaign aide, as the next director of the Office of Personnel Management making her the first Latino to lead the federal personnel agency. “Katherine brings to the [OPM] broad experience and a deep commitment to recruiting and […]

DREAMers Meet With President Obama at The White House

A group of seven DREAMers were invited to speak to President Obama in the Oval Office about the toll of the current immigration system, while emphasizing how their lives have changed thanks to deferred action. According to a White House statement, “the President reiterated his commitment to passing a bipartisan, commonsense immigration reform bill this year […]

Guest Blogger Series: Adrianna Quintero “Yet Another Poll Shows Latinos Want Political Candidates Who Support Clean Air and Clean Energy”

Last week, a poll of Latino voters in Colorado again showed that when it comes to environment, Latinos want political candidates who support clean air and clean energy. A poll released last week by Latino Decisions on behalf of Nuestro Rio showed that Latino voters in Colorado want oil shale companies to disclose any potential […]

Obama Widens Lead Among Latino Voters

During the summer, Republicans expressed optimism that Mitt Romney would be able to rake up more support among Latino voters before the elections. But the latest impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll shows the Republican presidential candidate hasn’t improved his favorability among Latinos. The poll released Monday shows President Barack Obama has the support of 73 percent of Latino registered voters while 21 percent of them say they […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Advice: Romney, apologize for 47%; Obama, show up, speak up”

Maria Cardona’s advice for Mitt Romney: Up until the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney was the Frankenstein candidate. I don’t mean that derisively. I use it as a metaphor of what a caricature Mitt Romney had become in the eyes of many voters. Conservatives didn’t trust him to be true to their principles. Liberals depicted […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “President Obama’s Deferred Action: A Fair Compromise on Immigration Enforcement”

President Barack Obama’s move to prioritize the deportation of criminal immigrants, while giving exemplary undocumented immigrants the ability to remain in the country through deferred action, is smart and fair enforcement policy. In the face of increasingly clogged deportation courts, constrained budgets and pressure to fix our broken immigration system, the Department of Homeland Security […]

BREAKING NEWS: Obama Administration will Announce New Immigration Policy to Stop Deporting Eligible Youth

President Obama will announce a new immigration policy this morning that will halt the deportation of as many as 800,000 young undocumented immigrants and in some cases grant them working permits. The President will announce the new policy today at 1:15pm in the White House’s Rose Garden, one week before he addresses the National Association […]