If ever there was a year when an annual Latino political convention could be pivotal, it is 2012. With so much focus on the projected Latino vote of 12 million plus in the presidential election, and conjecture on how they could supply the margin of victory in several key states – including Florida, Colorado and […]
NALEO Latino Political Convention Elevated by Latino Vote Impact
Mobile Media will be Key to Latino Vote in 2012

In the 2012 Presidential election, Latino voters are a crucial voter pool, and some experts believe mobile-phone campaigns will be the key to reaching this group. Part of the reason experts feel that mobile-phone campaigns will be useful in targeting this audience is that out of the 21 million eligible Latino voters, more than 30% […]
President Obama’s Gay Marriage Support Re-Invigorates Immigration Activism

President Barack Obama’s recent announcement supporting gay marriage has unveiled a growing alliance between young Latinos and gay activists. Since President Obama’s announcement supporting gay marriage last week, Latinos across the country have come forward attempting to dispel the idea that Latinos are less tolerant of homosexuality than the general public, while hoping to take […]
Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “On gay marriage, Latinos agree with Obama”

President Obama is indeed a profile in courage. He has made history yet again with his announcement that he supports full marriage equality for gay and lesbian Americans. Bravo, Mr. President. Now comes all the warnings and predictions of what this will mean for the election in November. One of those dire warnings is that […]
Mitt Romney’s Sole Spanish-Language Ad May Not Be Enough

Mitt Romney’s lack of campaign advertisements in Spanish has some in the Latino community wondering if his claims that he “believes” in the Latino population are true. At this point in the 2012 Presidential Election campaign, Romney has only released one Spanish language ad. The ad, which was released in January 2012, has created a […]
Guest Blogger: Maribel Hastings “The Politics of SB 1070”

As frenzied political junkies begin to chatter about the fight for the Latino vote in November, another fight is brewing in Washington this spring. Yesterday, the highest court in the land heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law SB 1070. The Court has the potential to officially condone the use of racial […]
Voter ID Laws Add More Fuel to Immigration Debate

According to a recent Fox News poll, 70% of Americans favor voter ID laws, which is criticized by minority groups as a tool for intimidation. Voter ID laws, which vary by state, require any voter to provide proof of citizenship and legal residence. Some minority groups are critical of this type of legislation, noting that […]
Rubio Meets with Latino Democrats on Proposed Dream Act

Senator Marco Rubio met with Senator Robert Menendez, Representative Charles Gonzales and Representative Luis Gutierrez to discuss Rubio’s plan for a new proposed version of the Dream Act. Rubio’s version, unlike the version that Democrats have introduced in the Senate which would provide qualified young individuals with a clear path to permanent legal residency or […]
Maria Cardona on NPR’s Michael Eric Dyson Show

Listen to Maria Cardona on NPR’s Michael Eric Dyson Show as she discusses the importance of Latina mothers in the upcoming 2012 presidential elections and the results of the Mamiverse.com/impreMedia/Latino Decision poll.
Poll Shows Florida Latina Moms Support President Obama, not Compelled by GOP

The results of a flash poll released this week by Mamiverse.com, impreMedia, and Latino Decisions, that reveals the issues most important to the country’s fastest growing demographic, shows that President Obama enjoys considerable support from Florida Latina Moms, who also find the GOP “less than compelling.” Conducted in partnership with Latino Decisions, a Washington DC […]
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