Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Guest Blogger: Cecilia Muñoz “Hispanic-American Families Just Can’t Afford Tax Increases”

As the debate over the so-called “fiscal cliff” in Washington continues, much of the conversation centers on deficit reduction, revenues, and tax rates. But what is easily lost in that conversation is the very real meaning this has for families all across America. The fact is Hispanic-American families just can’t afford tax increases right now, […]

President Obama Named Forbes Magazine Most Powerful Person

Forbes magazine released their annual “World’s Most Powerful” list, naming United States President Barack Obama as the World’s Most Powerful Person in 2012. President Obama took the top spot in a list that includes over 71 powerful heads of state, philanthropists, financial tycoons, and entrepreneurs. “U.S. President Barack Obama emerged, unanimously, as the world’s most […]

Obama Certain Immigration Reform Will Get Settled Soon

In a press conference held Wednesday afternoon, President Obama said it was time to “seize the moment” on immigration reform and that he is “very confident we can get immigration reform done.” President Obama said that in order to have reform, he would need a bipartisan agreement with securing borders, making sure companies hire legal […]

Mitt Romney Offers Negative Remarks on Blacks, Latinos, and Young Voters

In the aftermath of presidential campaigns, it’s rare that you give much thought to the legacy or character of the losing candidate. Usually losing candidates disappear into the shadows of political footnotes. Sometimes, the world even comes to appreciate those candidates in the way we never anticipated. Al Gore, for instance, withdrew from a race […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Hora De Reflexión Y De Cumplir Las Promesas”

Una vez más, los votantes de Estados Unidos apoyaron al Presidente Obama y haciendo historia, reeligieron al primer presidente afroamericano luego de una campaña muy reñida y a veces demasiado negativa. Mucho se debatirá de aquí en adelante sobre qué le pasó al gobernador Romney, dónde se equivocó y qué rumbo tomará el Partido Republicano […]

Historic Latino Support for President Obama Secures Second Term

Claiming the highest Latino support that any presidential candidate in U.S. history has enjoyed, President Barack Obama was re-elected last night with a decisive 303 electoral votes and 50.3% of the popular vote. According to Latino Decisions exit polls, 75% of Latinos voted for President Obama, surpassing the 67% support he enjoyed in the 2008 […]

Election 2012: What’s At Stake For Latino Voters

On Election Day, there are two distinct paths that are at stake for Latino voters: One being the president’s policies as he heads into the second term and the other would rest on the chance that Mitt Romney would fare better in a divided Congress. President Barack Obama’s campaign is reiterating that the growth of the Latino […]

Presidential Election gets Little Funding from Latinos

Even though Latinos have been an important target audience for the Presidential Election and could very well be the deciding factor, the Associated Press finds that Latinos have contributed less than 4% to the campaigns. As previously reported on La Plaza, candidates seem to still be struggling to reach out to Spanish speaking voters. Of […]

Maryland Votes on DREAM Act

Depending on the outcome of tomorrow’s elections, Maryland could be the first state to pass a proposal similar to the DREAM Act by popular vote that would allow undocumented immigrant students to pay in-state college tuition instead of out-of-state tuition. “We have a constitutional obligation to provide a public education for every child in our […]

Guest Blogger: Drew Brown “Budget Control”

As the countdown to the Presidential Election continues, there is plenty of finger-pointing, political ad content and rhetoric to sift through. One of the biggest areas of debate among the candidates across the board relates to the United States budget, our deficit and growing debt. With so much information out there, how do you know […]