Monday, March 31, 2025

Group in Arizona Explores Brewer Recall

The group behind the historic recall of SB 1070 sponsor Russell Pearce is currently gathering feedback from voters on whether a recall of AZ Governor Jan Brewer should be attempted in 2012. Citizens for a Better Arizona announced they would support a recall effort if at least 5,000 voters sign up to volunteer as petition circulators on their […]

Sponsor of AZ Immigration Law faces Recall Election

The author of the controversial immigration law passed in Arizona last year is facing a tough recall election over his harsh stance on the issue. Russell Pearce, president of the state Senate, ignited a fiery debate across the country last year after he introduced SB 1070, the harsh anti-immigration law that allows police to question […]

Bipartisan Coalition in Arizona wants to Remove Sponsor of SB 1070

Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce of Mesa, who became a household name last year for his role in sponsoring the controversial anti-immigrant SB1070 and supports denying citizenship to children of undocumented immigrants, is now the target of a recall by two different community groups. On Monday, Citizens for a Better Arizona organized, in part, by […]