Monday, March 3, 2025

Cruz Falls, Trump Steals The Show Before Iowa Votes

Donald Trump may yet have won Thursday night’s GOP debate despite skipping the event altogether. With Trump absent from the debate stage, the most scathing attacks were levied at Texas Senator Ted Cruz, polling 7 points behind the businessman, who suffered a weak debate performance with just days before the Iowa Caucuses playing right into […]

Competing Visions on National Security, Immigration At Vegas GOP Debate

Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas had many flash points between the candidates running for the 2016 nomination particularly on the subject of national security and terrorism and had Florida Senator Marco Rubio on the defensive from the likes of Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul over his work on […]

Comentarios from Maria: Do Not Fall Into the Traps of Terrorism And Xenophobia

It is not too late to register and turn out to vote … for our future. Do you know who said “we’re not generating enough angry white men to stay in this business for the long term”? No, not Donald Trump, it was another candidate running for the GOP nomination, the senator from South Carolina, […]

Comentarios from Maria: Xenophobia and Intolerance Towards Refugees

These gentlemen say there is no way to verify that the refugees are not members of the terrorist group Islamic State. It is not true. With the controversy over the hundreds of thousands of refugees escaping from Syria, we are at a turning point for our country in which we have to decide how we […]

Comentarios from Maria: Donald Trump Glorifies Operation “Wetback”

In his latest disregard of the Latino community during the fourth Republican debate last Tuesday night, Donald Trump insisted on the need for a deportation plan and used as an example the controversial expulsions of undocumented immigrants that occurred during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower (1953 -1961). That effort, officially called Operation Wetback, was an […]

Guest Blogger Series: Gus K. West “Rhetoric in GOP Primary Harmful to Hispanics”

Immigration has surfaced as one of the top issues in this Republican presidential primary — thanks in no small part to the United States’ ever-growing population of Hispanics, now the country’s second-largest group. Despite the voting power of this sizable bloc, the Republican candidates haven’t distinguished themselves as friends of immigrants. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt […]