Monday, March 31, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: An Interesting “Uniting” Strategy Directed To Republican Critics

The real estate mogul, Donald Trump, continues his tour of the United States seeking to “unify” the Republican Party, and those who don’t already supporting him, will be destroyed politically in the process. This is Trump’s strategy to unify the party, which was deployed last week in the state of New Mexico in one of […]

Comentarios from Maria: The Immigrant Community Waits On The Supreme Court Decision

The world does not stop turning despite being in the midst of an election cycle, and this week, besides the very important primary elections in the state of New York, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of the United States against the State of Texas. This is the case that […]

Comentarios from Maria: We Don’t Have To Sacrifice Any Of Our Rights

In 2013, after losing the presidential election, the Republican Party ordered a thorough study on what they had to improve in order to win the White House. More than four years have passed since they released the “autopsy “. In plain view it seems that the Republicans have learned nothing from their mistakes, especially when […]

Guest Blogger: Congresista Ben Ray Luján: Donald Trump llegó a la Cámara de Representantes

Después de otra ronda de victorias en la primaria republicana de este martes por Donald Trump, hoy los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes harán todo lo posible para exceder a Trump y su retórica antiinmigrante. El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes Paul Ryan, quien tomó la presidencia prometiéndoles a sus colegas ultraconservadores o […]

Comentarios From Maria: The only way to take down Trump? A united Democratic front

Super Tuesday was a great night for the front runners in both parties – Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both won a majority of the states holding primaries and caucuses, both have amassed a delegate lead that will be difficult to surpass, and both have an easier pathway to the nomination after last night. The […]

New Study Casts Doubts On Future Latino Support For The Democratic Party

With the Latino vote crucial to the electoral success for either party in the 2016 election a new study is calling into question Latinos’ support for the Democratic Party and whether or not that support will hold in future elections. Democrats have traditionally been able to rely on the same voting blocs for their base […]

Comentarios from Maria: Executive Actions-An Important Victory

We know that members of the Republican Party have made every effort to block any action to relieve the situation of the undocumented community in this country. We must not forget that the people that Republicans want to continue to suffer under the current immigration laws are the same people who came to this country […]

Guest Blogger: Dean Obeidallah “First, Donald Trump Came for the Muslims”

OK, it’s out of control now. When a major-party presidential frontrunner says this kind of bone-chilling stuff, the joke is over. I have never truly feared for the well-being of my family or friends because of the words uttered by an American politician. But that has changed after Donald Trump’s comments over the past few […]

Comentarios from Maria: Xenophobia and Intolerance Towards Refugees

These gentlemen say there is no way to verify that the refugees are not members of the terrorist group Islamic State. It is not true. With the controversy over the hundreds of thousands of refugees escaping from Syria, we are at a turning point for our country in which we have to decide how we […]

Pope Views and GOP Rhetoric Make Courting Latinos a Difficult Task

With Republican presidential candidates like Donald Trump employing anti-immigrant rhetoric on the campaign trail, many elected Republicans at both the state and federal level who, in large part, owe their seats to Latino voters in Hispanic-heavy states, see next week’s visit by the most progressive Pope in a generation as a threat to the GOP’s […]