Friday, March 14, 2025

SB 1070 Advocate Recalled in Arizona

Russell-PearceArizona State Senate President Russell Pearce is set to be recalled, as enough signatures have been gathered to force a special election this November. If you recall, we reported that the recall effort was taking place and the fact that this SB 1070 advocate had ties to extremist hate groups in Arizona, you know, neo-Nazis. So here’s the […]

Guest Blogger Series: Randy Parraz “Senator McCain – Uses one fire to start another”

Most recently Arizona has been in the national headlines because of the outbreak of wildfires.  At no time in our history have we ever experienced fires of this scale, that have consumed hundreds of thousands of acres and left many Arizonans without a home to return to.   So one would expect someone like Senator John […]

Georgia Immigration Law faces Legal Challenge

Georgia’s anti-immigrant law inspired by Arizona’s SB 1070 is facing a lawsuit from several civil rights groups that oppose the measure calling it “hate rhetoric.” The groups that have banded together and filed a class action lawsuit last Thursday include the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Georgia, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), the […]

Sponsor of SB 1070 Law faces Recall

Thousands of Arizona citizens have signed a petition to recall the sponsor of the state’s controversial anti-immigrant law, SB 1070, state Senate President Russell Pearce. Fed up with Pearce’s divisive politics, the group Citizens for a Better Arizona filed its petition with the Arizona Secretary of State on Tuesday. “Today, citizens from Arizona have come […]

Has the State Level Anti-immigrant Push lost Steam?

Movement on the anti-immigrant front has pretty much stalled. The fervor that  was ignited by Arizona’s controversial SB1070 has, in the words of the Associated Press, fizzled. This doesn’t mean that we can put the whole ugly anti-immigrant mess behind us and move on, but it does look like the momentum has slowed and the final lines have been drawn. What […]

Immigration a Top Priority for Latino voters One Year after Arizona SB1070

One year after Arizona passed its anti-immigrant SB1070 bill, the issue of immigration continues to remain the top priority in all subsets of the Latino electorate. A Latino Decisions and impremedia poll from April 2011 shows that Latino voters ranging from the U.S. to foreign born and Republican to Democrat or Independent, and the college […]

Brewer takes Immigration Battle to U.S. Supreme Court

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer announced on Monday that the state will directly appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court over the injunction currently blocking parts of the state’s anti-immigrant law, SB 1070, from going into effect. Last month, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the court order, which has kept the most controversial parts […]

8 States Try to Keep Immigration Laws

Just when you thought it was over… The is reporting that 8 states, besides Arizona, are working on Arizona-style immigration laws,with the effort to purge their states of undocumented persons. This comes in the aftermath of the partial injunction against parts of the controversial AZ1070. Although it looks like the law will eventually be heard in the US Supreme Court, […]

Anti-Immigrant Bills in Arizona Rejected

The latest battle over immigration in Arizona ended in a resounding defeat for the anti-immigrant faction in the legislature after the Senate rejected five wide ranging bills targeting undocumented immigrants yesterday. “It’s time for us to take a timeout,” said Senator John McComish, a Phoenix Republican. “It’s something that the people don’t want us to […]

Arizona looking to pass more Anti-immigrant Bills despite Opposition from Business Leaders

A broad range of anti-immigrant bills will be heard and voted on today in the Arizona Senate, just a day after the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce released a letter against such measures saying they will hurt the state’s economy and tourism. “Arizona’s lawmakers and citizens are right to be concerned about illegal immigration,” the […]