Saturday, March 15, 2025

Civil Rights Groups and Countries Want Voices Heard in Appeal over Arizona Law

Several civil rights groups along with Mexico and 10 other Latin American countries, are asking a federal appeals court to let them file friend-of-the-court briefs in an appeal of a ruling that put parts of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law on hold. Arizona Gov. Jane Brewer wants to have the ruling on some of the most controversial […]

Poll Shows More than Half of Texans Support Arizona-like Law

A new poll for the state’s five largest newspapers shows that over half the voters in Texas support an Arizona-like law with the issue deeply dividing them along racial and party lines. A total of 53 percent of respondents said they would support such a law, but that number is down from previous polls on […]

Mississippi Senate to Hold Hearings on Upcoming Arizona-like Law

The Mississippi State Senate is moving forward with plans to pass an anti-immigration measure to mirror Arizona’s controversial SB 1070 law. Shortly before implementation, a federal judge placed an injunction against some of the more controversial aspects of 1070.  However, that has not stopped a number of states from considering similar actions. In Mississippi, State […]

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Refuses to Recant ‘Drug Mules’ Statement and Says she is Not Racist

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer refused to back down or apologize for her statement that the majority of undocumented immigrants coming into Arizona are drug mules and insisted that she is not racist in an interview with Univision’s Jorge Ramos on Sunday. Brewer was confronted by the veteran news anchor on his show, Al Punto, over […]

Birthright Citizenship in Arizona Next for Republican Behind SB 1070 and Anti-immigration Laws Sweeping Nation

For the past few months, this blog has covered stories about former George W. Bush administration official and current GOP candidate for Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.  While his name is not widely recognized, he is the legal mind behind almost all anti-immigration legislation that is being adopted at the state and local level […]

Anti-immigrant Ordinances in Pennsylvania Ruled Unconstitutional

A federal appeals court on Thursday ruled two Hazelton, Pennsylvania, anti-immigrant ordinances unconstitutional. The Illegal Immigration Relief Act Ordinance passed by Hazelton in 2006 would have fined landlords who rented to undocumented immigrants and would have penalized companies that employed them.  Another law would require tenants to prove they were citizens or lawful residents, register […]

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Faces Lawsuit From Justice Department

The Justice Department filed a lawsuit against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Thursday after his failure to cooperate with the federal government on an investigation looking into allegations that his practices discriminate against Hispanics. The Justice Department, which has been investigating Arpaio for over a year, is calling the sheriff’s refusal to hand over […]

Legislator in Utah Says He will Call For End to Birthright Citizenship

Utah State Rep. Paul Ray said on Monday he will ask the state Legislature next year to call for a constitutional amendment to repeal giving automatic citizenship to anyone born on U.S. soil. Ray made the claim that children of illegal immigrants are a huge drain on taxpayer-funded services at a press conference at the […]

State Department’s Reference to SB 1070 in UN Human Rights Report Angers AZ Governor

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is none too happy about the federal government’s challenge to her state’s anti-immigrant law being referenced to in a United Nations Human Rights report.  The State Department cited their lawsuit against Arizona as an example of how the United States is protecting human rights. Brewer, who signed the legislation into law […]

GOP Displays Signs of Disunity From Coast to Coast

Leaders within the Republican Party in California and Florida are dealing with internal strife. The GOP in California opted not to support Arizona’s SB 1070 despite a push by conservative activists in the state to do so during its semiannual convention this weekend.   Meanwhile, in Florida, the Republican Party called off a pair of “unity” […]