Saturday, March 15, 2025

Justice Department Sues Arizona Over Anti-Immigration Law

After much anticipation and speculation that a suit was eminent, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced this afternoon that it was filing a lawsuit against Arizona asking a federal judge to declare the state’s new anti-immigration law, SB 1070, as unconstitutional and strike it down. The defendants are named as the state and Arizona Gov. […]

Rights Organization Issues Travel Warnings for Arizona

Affiliates of the American Civil Liberties Union issued travel alerts for the state of Arizona in anticipation of holiday travel and summer vacations.  The warnings inform individuals of their rights should they be stopped by law enforcement. The ACLU’s actions come in response to Arizona’s controversial new anti-immigration law, SB 1070.  The law ,which is […]

Arizona Governor Calls Immigrants ‘drug mules’

Even the top Republicans in her own state disagree with Gov. Jan Brewer’s comments that most undocumented workers are ‘drug mules.’ Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Senator John McCain says he does not believe that most workers crossing the border in Arizona are smuggling drugs.  He’s not the only official disputing the comments. The […]

An Unexpected New Ally in the Fight for Immigration Reform

During a speech on June 18 in Cleveland, Ohio, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka asserted that the major labor unions including Service Employees International Union and the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union are backing immigration reform. Historically, labor unions have always been opposed to immigration reform, even recently having helped kill efforts in 2007.  […]

America’s Favorite Pastime Deals with SB 1070

It’s that time of year again when people gather in ballparks across the nation to watch their favorite teams play ball, but more than just scoring a homerun will be on the minds of many players in Arizona this summer. About 150 Latino rookies are taking part in the Arizona Rookie League this year.  The […]

Groups to Target Latino Voters for Turnout in Arizona

              A coalition of Latino advocacy and immigration rights groups are launching an effort to register and turn out Latino voters in Arizona.  The groups, which include Mi Familia Vota, Democracia USA, Border Action Network and Arizona Center for Empowerment, announced yesterday that their target is  50,000 Latino voters, […]