Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Insider’s Guide for Incoming Latino College Students

By Christine Killion and Samantha Madera, Al Día News You made it. You’ve struggled through twelve or more years of furious concentrating, reading until your eyes were sore, and scribbling until your hand screamed for a break. You’ve stressed about the future looming after high school graduation, stayed up late into the night cramming for exams and […]

Guest Blogger: Vanessa Cardenas “Win-Win Situation: An All-In Nation of Racial Equality Fosters Economic Prosperity”

If you knew you could do the right thing and personally benefit from it, would you do it? I am willing to bet most of us would. Last week, the Center for American Progress and PolicyLink released a book, All-In Nation: An America That Works for All, which argues that if we reduced racial inequalities, we would […]

Young Latino Students Break Barriers for Higher Education

Written By: Cristian Pineda As the middle of summer approaches, recent high school graduates are looking into purchasing materials to prepare them for their first year of college. As statistics have shown, Latino graduates are up to par with their peers in preparation for attending colleges and universities as the number of enrolled students have […]

Comentarios from Maria: “STEM Fund Key To U.S. Global Competitiveness”

Co-Written with John E. Sununu Although the work is not yet complete, advocates for a national fund for science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and computer science education have reason to be optimistic. Washington is well into its much-anticipated discussion on immigration reform, with a proposal for a broad bill under consideration in the Senate and […]

HITN Early Learning Collaborative Provide New Tablet-Based Application for Preschoolers

  The Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network (HITN) Early Learning Collaborative (ELC) announced their new tablet-based Pocoyo PlaySets project yesterday that helps engage young children develop their English, reading and math skills. Yesterday’s announcement included a panel session on child development, tying into the launch of the Pocoyo PlaySets, whose mission is to “provide preschoolers […]

HITN Collaborative Launches Pocoyo® Playset™ Digital Education Tool to Boost School Readiness for Spanish-Speaking Preschoolers

The Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network (HITN) Early Learning Collaborative (ELC) unveiled today its mobile application for Spanish-Speaking preschoolers at Washington D.C.’s Newseum on Wednesday.  The Pocoyo® PlaySet™ application, which is funded by a grant from the Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement, features Pocoyo, the main character in the popular animated television […]

Undocumented College Students to Pay Lower In-State Tuition in Colorado

Colorado passed a bill on Friday allowing undocumented college students to pay less for in-state tuition at public universities. The state’s House of Representatives passed the measure, which is said to benefit around 500 students by its first year. “The governor and I support this bill because we want Colorado to have a strong economy,” […]

Digital Technologies Central to Teaching in the Classroom

A recent survey from Pew Internet says that teachers in middle and secondary schools have found digital technologies central to their teachings, with 92% saying the Internet has a “major impact” on their ability to “access content, resources, and materials for their teaching”. Mobile technology is also central to the learning process, as 73% of […]

Maryland Votes on DREAM Act

Depending on the outcome of tomorrow’s elections, Maryland could be the first state to pass a proposal similar to the DREAM Act by popular vote that would allow undocumented immigrant students to pay in-state college tuition instead of out-of-state tuition. “We have a constitutional obligation to provide a public education for every child in our […]

Report Finds Latino Students Likely to Attend “Poverty” Schools

According to a new government analysis of US schools entitled, “2010 Condition of Education”, nearly half of all students – 46 percent, who attend “high poverty elementary schools” are Latino; 34 percent of these students are black, and 14 percent are white. This compares to the numbers for “low poverty schools” where 75 percent of […]