Friday, March 28, 2025

Hispanic Lawmakers Denounce Healthcare Repeal Law by Republicans

At a press conference yesterday in Washington DC, Hispanic lawmakers decried Republican efforts to repeal healthcare reform legislation passed during the last Congress. Despite a recent poll that indicates a greater number of Americans oppose repealing the healthcare law than those who support it, the House passed a bill to repeal it yesterday with overwhelming […]

Guest Blogger Series: Maria Cardona “DREAM Act: First Big Step for GOP”

 This Op-Ed originally appeared in POLITICO. When I was invited to speak recently at the first Americano Forum – the effort hosted by former Speaker Newt Gingrich to reach out to conservative Latinos — I told the group that they had a long way to go with Latinos. There was unanimous agreement. I said a strong, […]

Homeland Security Head Calls for Passage of DREAM Act

Joining a chorus of diverse support, yesterday Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, called on Congress to pass the DREAM Act citing improved immigration enforcement as another reason to back the legislation. “It’s important to point out that the DREAM Act fits into a larger strategy of immigration enforcement, and would actually complement the Department […]

GOP Priorities Equates to Opposition to DREAM Act

In a letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Wednesday, all 42 Senate Republicans vowed to oppose any legislative items during the lame duck session if the Bush tax cuts and funding the government aren’t debated; this opposition would include any action on the DREAM Act. “[It’s] very cynical, but very obvious, [and] […]

Many Await Vote on DREAM Act

Today, as Congress returns from Thanksgiving recess to resume its lame duck session, a full plate of hefty issues awaits it.  And amongst those issues, is one that thousands of students around the country are anxiously watching – the possible passage of the long-debated DREAM Act. For a decade now, legislation to grant legalized status […]

Election Day: 2010 Midterm Elections and the Latino Vote

For the past several months La Plaza has been closely following the developments and attention surrounding the Latino vote in what will go down in history as the most expensive midterm elections to date.  We have covered everything from the earnest efforts of several civic groups to turn out this voting bloc on Election Day […]

Labor Unions Join Effort to Get Latino Voters Out to Polls

Labor unions have played a key role in turning out Latino voters in these midterm elections in everything from donating to voter registration campaigns to sending in their main muscle, their members, to knock on doors tomorrow to remind people to vote. With Latinos voters poised to become the deciding factor in several key races […]

Political Livelihoods Dependant on Latino Voters

Another surge of Latino voters like the one in 2008 could save many Democratic candidates in hot water and decide several key races across the country. Last week La Plaza reported that a report released by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) estimates 1 million more Latinos will show up at […]

Senate Hopeful Defends Ad and Confuses Latinos and Asians

Republican Senatorial candidate Sharron Angle, in addressing a group of Latino high school students in Nevada, defended an ad aired recently by her campaign by saying she was “unsure” if the images of dark-skinned individuals sneaking through a chain link fence actually depicted Hispanics. The TV spot, which is no longer available on You Tube, […]

Groups Say Ad by Nevada GOP Senate Candidate Sharron Angle is Racist

An ad released by Sharron Angle, the Republican Senatorial candidate in Nevada, is being decried as racist and divisive by several groups. The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) said in a statement it is calling for Angle’s campaign to immediately pull the ad which takes aim at Senate Majority Leader Henry […]