Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: Now Is The Time To Register And Vote

After the primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire things are clear, these elections are very important to define the future of this country. Since the beginning of this election cycle there has been a very dangerous dialogue going on within the Republican Party in which candidates for the presidential nomination continue their odyssey of demonizing […]

1st Latino, Cruz, Wins; Latinos Seek Less Extreme Choice In Rubio

Ted Cruz’s Iowa Caucus win, the first by a Hispanic, is a symbolic and historic milestone for the Latino community. As the race for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination moves on to New Hampshire the contest is increasingly solidifying as a match up between three candidates- Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and […]

Dramatic Night In Iowa as Clinton, Cruz Declared Winners

Last night’s Iowa Caucuses turned out to be a dramatic event for both the Democratic and Republican contenders with Texas Senator Ted Cruz pulling out a come from behind victory over Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders neck and neck until the race was finally called for Clinton this morning. In […]

Cruz Falls, Trump Steals The Show Before Iowa Votes

Donald Trump may yet have won Thursday night’s GOP debate despite skipping the event altogether. With Trump absent from the debate stage, the most scathing attacks were levied at Texas Senator Ted Cruz, polling 7 points behind the businessman, who suffered a weak debate performance with just days before the Iowa Caucuses playing right into […]

Sensationalism Over Realism In Do Or Die GOP Debate

Thursday night’s debate is being considered the most consequential of the 2016 Republican primary campaign and it’s true. With only weeks to go before the first votes on the season are cast, last night’s debate highlighted the glaring realities of the race. Donald Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz had the most heated exchange between […]

Comentarios from Maria: Cruz Is not Qualified To Be President, But That’s Not Because Of His Citizenship

There are many reasons why Ted Cruz would be a terrible president. None of them have to do with where he was born. Texas senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is emerging as the strongest alternative to Donald Trump, who continues to lead in the national polls for the GOP nomination. The Senator, who […]

Canadian-Born Ted Cruz Insists He’s Eligible To Be President

Is he or isn’t he? That is the question surrounding Canadian-born Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s constitutional eligibility to be president of the United States should he come out on top after a long primary season and win the GOP nomination. Cruz, born in Alberta, Canada to an American mother and Cuban father, renounced his citizenship […]

Nevada Hispanics Crucial In GOP Contest

With the GOP presidential race tightening up, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is looking to strike early and overtake Donald Trump in the first in the nation Iowa Caucuses and even attempt to sneak past the billionaire in the South Carolina primary and dominate the Deep South contests later this spring to capture the front runner […]

Clinton Trumps Trump, Rubio Among Millennials

Hillary Clinton trounces Donald Trump among the all-important 18-34 year old millennial vote in a head to head match up against the Republican front runner 60% to 21% according to a Quinnipiac University poll. Voters aged 35-49 and 50-64 chose Trump over Clinton in the hypothetical match up 46% to 43% and 45% to 42%, […]

As GOP Primaries Loom, Cruz Gaining On Trump

At the close of 2015, Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz has essentially tied GOP front runner Donald Trump in the latest polls for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. According to a Quinnipiac University poll Trump received the support of 28% of the Republican primary electorate while Cruz came in at 24%. The poll’s margin of […]