Saturday, March 8, 2025

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “Shooting After Shooting, Congress Does Nothing Towards Gun Control”

How many shootings must we endure before Congress acts on gun control? Just this year, tragedies such as the Navy Yard shooting in Washington D.C. and the recent scare at a New Jersey mall proved that the conversation of gun control in this country should continue. And if that wasn’t enough, in 2012, over four […]

Puerto Ricans Mourn Two of Their Own in Sandy Hook Shooting

As people around the world continue to react to the senseless Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Conn., many reactions showcase grief and outrage, but also something not many feel at a time like this—approval. In Puerto Rico, Gov. Luis Fortuño declared four days of mourning. The mayor of the municipality of Maunabo, Jorge Marquez, lost his six-year-old […]

After Giffords Shooting, Intern Springs to Action

As U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, (D-AZ) fought to recover from a bullet wound to the head Sunday, federal officials in Arizona charged 22-year old Jared Lee Loughner with five counts related to Saturday’s tragic shooting outside a Tucson supermarket. In total, 19 people were shot in the shooting rampage, leaving 6 dead.  Among the six […]