Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “Siri Says: A Wireless Traffic Jam Is Just Ahead”

Little known fact, in 2011 Hispanic auto buyers accounted for roughly 24% of the growth in new-vehicle sales. An even less known fact Hispanic’s are leading the smart phone revolution, Sixty percent of Hispanic households own at least one Internet enabled smart phone compared with 43 percent of general households.  In a case of synergistic […]

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “Could A Looming Spectrum Crunch Hurt Hispanic Mobile Media Usage?”

Hispanics are interacting with mobile media more then ever, but a looming “spectrum,” crunch — the exhaustion of radio waves necessary to provide voice, text and internet services to mobile phones and tablets — may derail the gains that this community has recently made. A new report from NDN highlights how society as a whole, […]