Monday, March 31, 2025

Maria Cardona POLITIC365 “Gamechanger of the Day”

Dewey Square Group Principal and Latinovations Founder Maria Cardona is featured today as POLITIC365 “Gamechanger of the Day”. Candidates selected for the POLITIC365 Gamechanger series are individuals who, through “keen focus, innovative ideas, and progressive action and advocacy, [are] actively engaged in shaping and improving America’s social, economic and political landscape.” Cardona joins individuals such […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Why Rubio won’t help GOP get Latino vote”

Repeat after me, GOP: “Marco Rubio will not be our savior with Latinos in the 2012 election.” It has nothing to do with whether the U.S. senator from Florida lied about the year his parents came to the United States, though let’s pause on that for a moment anyway: It should be fully explored, as […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Latinos to GOP Conservatives: Be careful!”

Prominent conservative leaders are crazed looking for ways to bring down President Obama’s first nominee to the Supreme Court – Judge Sonia Sotomayor  – who is the most experienced and best prepared jurist in 100 years.  She also happens to be Latina.  Newt Gingrich and conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh have called her a racist.  Former […]