Monday, March 31, 2025

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “In State of the Union, Obama is Cautious on Immigration Reform”

This week, President Obama urged Congress in his State of the Union address to fix our broken immigration system once and for all. And although the President made the call that Congress needed to act, many have been quick to criticize him for only dedicating a short portion of the speech to talk about immigration […]

Latinos See Climate Change as Serious Issue, Support Taking Action

According to a national poll conducted by the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC), 74% of Latinos believe climate change is a very serious problem. A total of 1,218 Latinos were polled as a response to President Obama’s comments about climate change in his State of the Union address. The Latino response was 10% higher than […]

Green Hopes from the Next Generation: Young Latino Advocates Environmental Goals for Obama’s (2nd) First 100 Days

While watching President Obama’s inauguration speech, Andrea Delgado felt a surge of optimism. Paradoxically, it was one of Obama’s more somber statements that gave her hope: his acknowledgement that a failure to address climate change would be “a betrayal to our children and future generations.” The President’s message of urgency resonated with her. “Latinos get […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Why the environment is a Latino issue”

Amid all the jockeying of the primary debates, President Barack Obama’s 2013 budget was a breath of fresh air that underscored the priorities we should have as a nation. Sure, politicos may call it a campaign document, but even if you view it as only that, it is a much needed reminder of just what […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: The State of the Union

As featured in Politico’s The Arena: Spectacular speech. The President faced his most important moment in his presidency last night and he did it with ease, decorum humor, self deprecation, while he stood firm on an agenda that puts America’s middle class families and small businesses first. He surpassed expectations by cutting through the clutter […]