Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Guest Blogger: Alfredo Estrada “Nuestro Futuro”

The prize for the worst acronym ever should go to STEM, which refers to science, technology, engineering and mathematics. For many Latinos, it’s what you get at the florist. But STEM is no laughing matter. Congressman Ruben Hinojosa often cites the figure that just to meet current demand, and to maintain our global competitiveness, America […]

Guest Blogger Series: Education Investments, a Sure Thing in Shaky Times

By Rep. Henry Cuellar As featured in the Huffington Post: The cliché is true. ‘Education is the gateway to opportunity’ has been said so many times that it’s almost an empty expression. But it’s still very true. Earning an education is the greatest investment a person can make and adhering to that axiom has paid […]