Monday, March 31, 2025

Gay Rights and Immigration Advocacy Groups Challenge Defense of Marriage Act

A letter signed by more than 50 gay rights and immigration advocacy groups was sent to the White House on Monday asking President Obama to hold immigration cases involving Americans seeking legal residency visas for their same-sex partners until the Supreme Court issues a decision on gay marriage next year. These gay rights and immigrant […]

Supreme Court Rejects Voter Suppression Efforts in Ohio

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court rejected an appeal that would have overturned a lower court decision upholding early voting in Ohio three days before an election, effectively protecting Ohio voters’ right to vote early in this upcoming election. “We are pleased that the US Supreme Court declined to overturn federal court rulings that every Ohioan […]

Texas Affirmative Action Case Revisited by Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is starting to question the affirmative action case dealing with a student who believes she was denied from the University of Texas because she is white. The court recently heard arguments from the defense of Abigail Fisher, the student who claims she was not offered a spot in the university in 2008 […]

Affordable Care Act Upheld: How does it affect Hispanics?

The Supreme Court has upheld the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) Thursday morning in a monumental ruling set to impact millions of people in the United States. Hispanics will benefit from the already created Office of Minority Health and its efforts  toward eliminating health disparities. One in 6 Hispanic seniors suffer from preexisting conditions and will be […]

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Supreme Court Rules on Arizona’s Controversial Immigration Law

The U.S. Supreme Court released today a split decision in the constitutionality of Arizona’s controversial immigration law. In the decision, the Court struck down three provisions of the Arizona Law, SB 1070, that were previously challenged on the grounds that they invaded federal privileges. Two of the provisions made it a crime for undocumented immigrants […]

Guest Blogger: Maribel Hastings “The Politics of SB 1070”

As frenzied political junkies begin to chatter about the fight for the Latino vote in November, another fight is brewing in Washington this spring. Yesterday, the highest court in the land heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law SB 1070. The Court has the potential to officially condone the use of racial […]

Supreme Court’s Decision on Arizona’s SB 1070 Will Influence Other States

States across the country are waiting for the Supreme Court’s ruling on Arizona’s controversial immigration law before implementing their own anti-immigrant measures. “We’re getting our national network ready to run with the ball, and saturate state legislatures with versions of the law,” says William Gheen, President of Americans for Legal Immigration. “We believe we can […]

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Arizona Immigration Law Case Today

The U.S. Supreme Court will begin to hear arguments in the Arizona Immigration Law case today to decide the constitutionality of this law and to bring light to the potential need for restructuration of the nation’s immigration system. “This decision will make very clear what the law is when it comes to immigration,” says SEIU […]

Guest Blogger: Arturo Vargas “Reaching the Finish Line”

Imagine that you are standing on a track, about to run toward a distant finish line.  Suddenly, a wall appears between you and the finish line, and then another, and yet another after that. Over the course of the past decade, states have raced each other to construct more and higher walls in the way […]

SB1070 Before Supreme Court Wednesday: What You Need To Know

Two years worth of posturing and protesting, testing and taunting, about immigration and states rights will come to a head this Wednesday when both sides of Arizona’s controversial SB1070 argue their case before the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. Here’s what you need to know: the law passed by the Arizona legislature and signed […]