Saturday, February 22, 2025

Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile Join Forces with AT&T in Their “It Can Wait” Campaign

          The four largest cellphone companies, AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint and T-Mobile will launch their first joint advertising campaign against texting and driving. The cellphone giants, along with roughly 200 other organizations united behind AT&T’s “It Can Wait” slogan, are set to heavily push the campaign this summer. The campaign represents […]

Guest Blogger Series: Felix Sanchez “Latinos Would Benefit From AT&T Merger”

Alex Nogales’ July 28 opinion piece seriously underestimates the level of support and mischaracterizes the effect of the proposed merger of AT&T and T-Mobile USA on the Hispanic community. Let’s look at Nogales’ objections in turn. Nogales leads off by claiming that not all civil rights organizations support the merger. He is correct on this […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jason LLorenz “What The AT&T/T-Mobile Deal Really Means for Latinos”

Over the past weeks and months, the debate has raged over the AT&T and T-Mobile merger, with supporters and detractors pushing their positions.  In the mix has been a great many voices — including advocates and organizations claiming to represent the interest of different groups. Below are four reasons why Latino community leaders support the […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jason Llorenz “Latino Community Leaders Highlight Interests and Opportunities in AT&T Merger”

As represented in the FCC docket, the proposed merger of AT&T and T-Mobile has received substantive support from national Hispanic organizations including Hispanic Federation, the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL); the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA); the US Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHLI), the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), LULAC, and […]