Friday, January 10, 2025

IL and TX Hispanic population demand more political influence

Illinois Republicans and Texas Democrats are preparing to file lawsuits under the Voting Rights Act that will increase their respective states’ Hispanic-majority districts. It is evident that Latinos are disproportionately represented in Congress with only 24 House members (17 Democrats and 7 Republicans), but with over 50.5 million counted in the 2010 Census, the Hispanic […]

Has the State Level Anti-immigrant Push lost Steam?

Movement on the anti-immigrant front has pretty much stalled. The fervor that  was ignited by Arizona’s controversial SB1070 has, in the words of the Associated Press, fizzled. This doesn’t mean that we can put the whole ugly anti-immigrant mess behind us and move on, but it does look like the momentum has slowed and the final lines have been drawn. What […]

National Latino Redistricting Roundup

We at News Taco have been doing our best to keep you informed of redistricting battles affecting Latino population areas (really redistricting affects all Latinos everywhere, but that’s a pretty tall order…) So we thought today would be a good day to do a little roundup of these redistricting battles across the country. Pennsylvania: Philadelphia’s Latino […]

President Obama to discuss Immigration Reform at White House Meeting

President Barack Obama will hold a meeting Tuesday afternoon at the White House with a group of leaders including the mayors of New York and San Antonio to discuss immigration reform. Among the invitees are former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro.  The bevy of current […]

Guest Blogger Series: Texas State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte “Human Trafficking: A Domestic Issue”

Human Trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world. I’m sure that fact, from the Polaris Project, is surprising to many of you. Here’s another: slightly more than half of all domestic victims in alleged human trafficking incidents are U.S. citizens. That fact, from the Department of Justice’s Human Trafficking Reporting System, is […]

Latino Students Majority in Texas

Texas — like California and Arizona — is seeing huge Latino gains in its population. The majority of students in Texas are now Latino, making up 50.2% of the 4.9 million student population. In California we reported that more than half of that state’s student population was Latino, Arizona’s population of Latinos is greater than […]

Lawsuit in Texas Claims Latinos undercounted in 2010 U.S. Census

A lawsuit filed in Texas on Tuesday by the Mexican American Legislative Caucus alleges that Latinos were undercounted in the 2010 U.S. Census and says the state should not use the data in redrawing congressional districts. “MALC has always been committed to a redistricting process that is fair and representative,” state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, […]

US Census Bureau says Hispanic Population now over 50 Million

Hispanics are now officially the largest minority group in the country numbering over 50 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau on Thursday. That number translates to 16.3% of the nation’s population and means that 1 out of every 6 Americans is a Latino. Interesting trends have also emerged; revealing the country’s low overall growth […]

Maryland pushes for Its Own Dream Act

The state Senate in Maryland is set to vote on a version of the Dream Act today that would give undocumented students the opportunity to attend a four-year university in the state and qualify for in-state tuition if they graduate from a Maryland high school. The bill, SB 167, sponsored by Sen. Victor Ramirez, the […]

Hispanics Identify by Race More than a Decade Ago

An analysis of 2010 Census data by USA Today revealed that Hispanics in states with some of the largest Hispanic populations categorized themselves by race more often than in the last Census and many more also chose “white” under the race category. Census data on 27 states has been released so far by the Census […]