Monday, March 31, 2025

Guest Blogger: Gus West “Internet Doesn’t Need More Rules”

The Obama administration will soon be looking for a new top telecommunications cop. Federal Communications Commission Chair Julius Genachowski recently announced that he’d soon be leaving his post. Some are calling for the next FCC chair to aggressively police the Internet and exert a tighter regulatory hold over the firms that have built its backbone. […]

Digital Technologies Central to Teaching in the Classroom

A recent survey from Pew Internet says that teachers in middle and secondary schools have found digital technologies central to their teachings, with 92% saying the Internet has a “major impact” on their ability to “access content, resources, and materials for their teaching”. Mobile technology is also central to the learning process, as 73% of […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Hispanic Teens Admit to Risky Texting Behavior: Why Parents Must Worry”

As spring draws to a close, teens across the country are shopping for prom dresses, planning graduation parties, searching for summer jobs and looking forward to a few months of freedom. Unfortunately, another memorable season is fast approaching: dangerous driving season. According to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the days between Memorial Day and Labor […]

Guest Blogger Series: Gus K. West “Guarding Latino Voting Rights – Rally for Fair Texas Re-Districting”

Across the country states have been addressing their re-districting needs in recent months, redrawing voting maps that will fairly reflect new Census statistics from the 2010 Census. The latest figures showed that the population in Texas grew by 4 million people, giving the state 4 new congressional seats. The plan drafted by the three-judge panel […]

Guest Blogger Series: Matt Barreto “Where Latino Votes Will Matter in 2012”

With the recent release of the national Census data pundits have been quick to point out the obvious: the Latino population is growing! As if data points from the annual Current Population Survey, and now American Community Survey did not already tell us this on a yearly basis, the official 2010 decennial census now confirms […]

Labor Unions Join Effort to Get Latino Voters Out to Polls

Labor unions have played a key role in turning out Latino voters in these midterm elections in everything from donating to voter registration campaigns to sending in their main muscle, their members, to knock on doors tomorrow to remind people to vote. With Latinos voters poised to become the deciding factor in several key races […]

Guest Blogger Series: Xinomara Velazquez Yehuda “10,000 Hispanics Registered to Vote in Nevada”

The challenge was met and the goal achieved. The Hispanic Institute’s (THI) Latino Voter Registration Project has successfully added 10,000 new Hispanic voters to the rolls in Nevada. “The fervor and the excitement generated by the past fifteen months of voter participation activity, has obliged discouraged citizens to vote again. Merged with those stalwart voters […]