Friday, February 21, 2025

Protests Break Out In Mexico Due to President Lopez Obrador’s Overhaul of the National Electoral Institute

Huge crowds of people gathered in Mexico City to condemn government moves to shrink electoral authority as a threat to democracy. It has appeared to be the largest protest so far against President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s administration. Mexico’s Congress approved a major overhaul of the National Electoral Institute (INE), an independent body that Lopez […]

Trump Slams Dems and Puerto Rico for Possible Government Shutdown

On Wednesday, Trump tweeted that Democrats were attempting to bail out insurance companies and Puerto Rico from ObamaCare, and on Thursday, he went further to suggest Democrats were willing to shut down the government for the sake of Puerto Rico. Trump’s comments come in lieu of lobbying efforts by island officials, to close a Medicare […]

iMarch: The Largest Virtual March in Support of Immigration Reform

A bipartisan group of voices in Washington D.C joined forces on Wednesday to kick-off The March for Innovation –or iMarch campaign – an online forum designed to push Congress towards a comprehensive immigration reform via social media. The creators of iMarch, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch, along with other politicians, CEOs and […]

Comentarios de Maria Cardona: “Latinos and Social Media”

A mobile phone screen gives a woman in Latin America a glimpse of the son she hasn’t seen since he immigrated to find work in the U.S. over 15 years ago, while another Latino mobile user logs on to Facebook from her device to update her business fan page, and yet another takes the words […]

Obama Addresses Immigration Reform during Twitter Town hall

President Barack Obama held his first ever Twitter town hall at the White House, where he responded to 18 “tweets” that tackled everything from education to immigration to jobs for veterans, yesterday. Moderated by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, the town hall provided the President with the opportunity to connect with Americans directly, particularly the high-tech […]