Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Immigration Reform Is Most Important Issue Facing Latino Community

A new poll released today suggests that 53% of Latino voters feel that immigration reform is the most important issue facing the Latino community and that Congress and President Obama should address it. The poll, sponsored by America’s Voice and implemented by Latino Decisions, wanted to survey the response from Latino voters and see how […]

Latino Voter Numbers Increase, Yet Still Significantly Lower Than Other Groups

A new study by the Pew Hispanic Center finds that a record of 11.2 million Latinos voted in the 2012 presidential election, yet still participated in less numbers than black and white voters. The research shows that while 48% of Latino eligible voters turned out to vote in 2012, 66% of black eligible voters participated […]

Latino GOTV Efforts Prove Vital in Combatting Voter Suppression

With less than a week until the presidential election, and allegations of voter suppression at an all-time high in swing states such as Colorado, Nevada, and Florida, Latino organizations have launched PSAs phone banking efforts, and canvassing efforts aimed at targeting Latinos. Organizations like the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada have highlighted that voter suppression efforts […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Will Latino Voter Purges Continue? Only If We Let Them!”

As a Latina mother, there is nothing more important to me than inculcating in my children the importance of making sure their voices are heard—whether in the classroom, in sports, in student government, in their jobs, in local government, and of course, in our nation’s capital. In the past, it used to be that politicians, secretaries […]

Nonprofit Organizations Focus New Voter Registration Efforts on Latinos

Nonprofit coalitions and groups around the nation are working to register new voters for the 2012 election, with a strong emphasis on boosting Latino voter registration. Organizations such as the League of Women Voters and Common Cause in New Mexico, and Voto Latino and the Voter Participation Center in Arizona, are working to get people […]