Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Latino Voters Are Making a Splash Before the Wisconsin Primaries

In Wisconsin Latino voters are just 4 percent of all eligible voters. Regardless, due to the growing Latino community in the state, they see much importance in Tuesday’s primaries. The state saw “Day Without Latinos” protests take place about a month ago as the Latino community’s effort to make itself visible in showing how important […]

Bad Week For Trump Good Week For Cruz

Donald Trump has had one of the worst weeks of the 2016 presidential race, which doesn’t help him as the Wisconsin primaries are only a few days away. Ted Cruz’s campaign has been the biggest benefiter of this disaster of a week for Trump, giving Cruz’s campaign a much needed boost and raising their hopes […]

Guest Blogger Series: Hector E. Sanchez “Warning: If They Take Wisconsin They Might Go After Our Weekends Too”

Workers all over the country are rising up by the thousands to defend the basic American right to collectively bargain. We can fight the anti-union ambush in the states with worker solidarity among Latinos and all workers, but first we need to understand why we are fighting and what is at stake. What is happening […]

Guest Blogger Series: Folayemi Agbede “The Wisconsin Fight: What People of Color Have at Stake”

Images of Latino, Native American, Black, and Asian Wisconsinites are proving elusive in the media coverage of the fight for workers’ rights beyond a recent appearance by the Rev. Jesse Jackson. Despite this visual absence it remains evident to many that people of color have much to lose in Gov. Scott Walker’s recently passed state […]